Collaboratively maximize fully researched process improvements via robust potentialities through standards compliant synergy.
Effective date: 14 January 2021
1. We provide 7 Days Money Back Guarantee Within Our Shared Hosting, Offshore DMCA Ignored Hosting and Reseller Hosting services.
2. Refund Policy is not valid on Renewals.
3. If your Account or Service is suspended or terminated due to TOS violation then you're not eligible for refund.
4. No Refund On : Dedicated Servers, VPS and Domains.
5. If You're having issue and you're not satisfied with our services and you want a refund then you must explain what is wrong with hosting and why you're not satisfied, if our team found that there is no issue in hosting and our services then refund wouldn't be provided.
6. Services which are suspended or terminated for mass mailing, email spam, email abuse aren't applicable for refund.
7. After sending the cancellation request, it would take 5 - 7 working days to complete the refund process.
8. The refund request placed after 7 days will not be processed and you will not be eligible for any refund.
9. The 30 day money back guarantee is only applicable for first-time signups. Second time and subsequent sign-ups are not eligible for the same. For instance, if you've had an account with us before, cancelled and signed up again, you will not be eligible for a refund or if you have opened a second account with us.
Funds and credits are non refundable.
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